Acne Therapy

Wisconsin Acne BBL Treatment


Forever Clear® Broadband Light™ (BBL) therapy provides acne sufferers a non-drug, easy and effective alternative without the side effects commonly found with drugs. The BBL acne therapy treats the root cause of acne, which is the sebaceous glands, without downtime. The BBL system is FDA approved for the treatment of acne and may be used for teenagers suffering from hormonal acne or adults suffering from adult-onset acne.

Acne IPL Treatment


Both males and females get acne and may be candidates for an acne therapy treatment. Younger males are more prone to severe, longer-lasting forms of acne. Many females can suffer from “hormonal acne”, where outbreaks are tied to the hormonal changes related to their menstrual cycle.

If you are concerned with either of these factors, acne therapy may be for you:
– comedonal (blackheads) acne
– inflammatory acne


BBL is one of the safest acne treatments available for all skin types.  Clients experience an effective, comfortable treatment with little to no downtime.


Sciton’s® Forever Clear® Broadband Light™ (BBL) treatment employs a combination of blue and yellow light to attack acne, eradicating acne bacteria deep within the skin’s pores, reducing inflammation and acne-associated redness while promoting the body’s natural healing process to clear acne. 


This treatment is available at our Middleton, Wisconsin location only. Multiple treatments are required to obtain and maintain satisfactory results. Initially treatments are scheduled at 2 week intervals for 6 sessions, then quarterly or semi-annually thereafter.


One of our Medical Aesthetics Specialists will provide you with their recommendations for a treatment schedule and quantity of treatments during your consultation.


Your skin requires a tailored program of care to optimize its health and appearance. At your consultation, one of our Medical Aesthetics Specialists will gather information from you about your skin concerns, examine your skin and explain what they discover. They will help you prioritize and achieve your best skin by preparing a treatment plan that ensures any skin treatments you choose are provided in a manner that is as effective and as safe as possible. Our Medical Aesthetics Specialists have trained under Double-Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Richard Parfitt. Their extensive knowledge of non-surgical procedures, skin care and skin rejuvenation treatments ensures they are skilled specialists in your chosen treatment. Consultations can take place at either of our locations in Appleton, WI or Middleton, WI.

If you are a new client of AestheticA Skin Health Center, time may be allotted for the consultation and treatment to be completed in one appointment, depending on the treatment(s) you are interested in. If you are a previous client of AestheticA, but have not been seen by our clinic within a year, a brief follow-up will be included in your appointment to discuss your previous treatment(s) or any new skin concerns you may have.


How long is a BBL acne treatment?

Depending on the region that is being treated, treatments can range from 10-20 minutes. The total in-office time can range from 30 to 45 minutes.

How many treatments will I need?

Multiple treatments (4-6 or more) will be recommended. Initially, the treatments are scheduled closely together, gradually extending the interval between treatments. One of our Medical Aesthetics Specialists will discuss recommended treatment options during your consultation.

Can I combine skin care products with acne treatment?

Yes, topical skin care is highly recommended to enhance your treatment results and to improve the overall health and appearance of your skin; however, precautions must be taken to minimize sensitivity to the light and heat produced in these treatments. One of our Medical Aesthetics Specialists will discuss the use of products throughout the course of these treatments.

Can I combine injectables or dermal fillers with acne treatment?

We do not recommend any injectable treatments to be combined on the same day as BBL treatment because of the heat the system produces. Injectables can be used starting the day after a BBL treatment.

What is the recovery like after the acne treatment?

After treatment, you may experience a warm, red, tender-to-the-touch feeling, almost like a sunburn. Most clients experience this for up to 60 minutes. Makeup is not recommended following treatment for at least 2-4 hours.

Where can I have a consultation?

AestheticA Skin Health Center has office locations in Appleton, WI and Middleton (Madison), WI. If you are interested in a consultation about BBL treatments specifically, please call our Middleton office at 608.831.4007 or contact us online.

Is there a cost for a consultation?

To see one of our Medical Aesthetics Specialists, the cost for a skin consultation is $50. To see Dr. Parfitt, the cost for your skin consultation is $125. This consultation fee is applied to your account to use towards products or treatments at either AestheticA Skin Health Center or Parfitt Facial Cosmetic Surgery Center. This one-time cost applies only to your initial consultation; therefore all future follow-up consultative appointments, regardless of the provider seen, are free.


  • Discontinue sun tanning, use of Tanning Beds, and any application of sunless tanning products one month (4 weeks) prior to your appt. Change in color of your skin tone will adversely affect your desired outcome.
  • Discontinue the use of: Exfoliating creams such as Retin A, Differin, Glycolic Acid, Alpha Hydroxy Acids, 1 week prior to and during the entire treatment course; unless otherwise directed.
  • Recommend discontinue use of St. John’s Wart due to sun sensitivity during treatment course.
  • Inform your provider if you have a history of herpes outbreaks; taking Valtrex or Famvir one week prior to treatment is recommended to prevent a severe herpes breakout during treatment course.
  • A mild sunburn sensation is expected. This usually lasts between 2-24 hours post treatment, but can persist up to 72 hours. This may be accompanied with mild swelling and/or redness which will resolve itself within 2-3 days.
  • An oral non steroidal anti-inflammatory, such as acetaminophen, may be taken to reduce discomfort (use according to manufacturer’s recommendations).
  • Apply cold gel/ice packs or cool wet cloths to treatment area immediately following treatment for 15 minutes every 2-4 hours until symptoms subside.
  • Bathe or Shower as usual, realizing that the treated areas are temperature sensitive and therefore cool showers will offer relief, especially over the first 24 hours. Avoid loofahs or exfoliating scrubs until pre-treatment condition returns.
  • Avoid swimming, especially in pools with chemicals such as Chlorine; as well as, hot tubs or Jacuzzis for the first week post treatment or until the skin has returned to its pre treated state.
  • Avoid activities with excessive perspiration for a minimum of 24 hours.
  • Expect the possibility of an initial flare up of acne, similar to the kind seen following a peel procedure or starting a new topical or oral acne medication.
  • Some blemishes may form into scabs, DO NOT pick or remove scabs. Acne blemishes will fade after about 2-3 weeks.
  • Successful treatment may result in a 40% reduction in the number of lesions and the prevention of new lesions forming following treatment course.

If you have any further questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call our office at 608.831.4007.


Skin treatments are more sophisticated than ever. The services we provide at our Appleton and Madison Wisconsin centers are the latest scientifically proven developments offered to enhance your appearance. We provide only those treatments and products that consistently have a reputation for providing safe and effective results. At AestheticA Skin Health Center, Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Richard C. Parfitt, licensed aestheticians, and nurses are committed to serving your unique needs with their considerable knowledge, training and experience. To hear what our clients are saying about their experience at AestheticA Skin Health Center, read their testimonials. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.


Acne BBL treatments are offered at our AestheticA Skin Health Center office location in Middleton, WI. To see if acne treatment is right for you, please call our Middleton office at 608.831.4007 to schedule a consultation.