Laser Treatments in Middleton

Wisconsin Laser Treatment for

Facial Vein and Pigment Removal


At AestheticA, we have state-of-the-art lasers that eliminate small reddish “broken capillaries” and “spider veins”, red moles and spots. Skin lesions such as keratoses and warts and pigmented, flat spots (freckles, lentigines (liver spots), age spots, brown spots and flat, benign moles) can be successfully eliminated with laser treatment. Our VariLite™ laser can selectively treat unwanted facial veins and lesions without breaking or hurting the normal surrounding skin. During treatment, the laser light is absorbed by oxyhemoglobin (bright red blood cells carrying oxygen) or by melanin (black or brown pigment found in the skin) causing decomposition or destruction by heat of the unwanted cells.

laser treatments


Men and women may both be candidates for laser treatment. If you have one of the following concerns, laser treatment may be for you.

– Reddish “broken capillaries”

– “Spider veins”

– Cherry angiomas (red moles)

– Freckles

– Flat, brown spots

– Keratoses

– Warts

If you have a darker complexion, laser treatment may not be for you. During a consultation, one of our Medical Aesthetics Specialists can look at your skin type to see if laser treatment is right for you.


The laser used for vein or pigment removal is a pen-size laser, more precise and powerful than IPL. For an ideal result, multiple treatments may be recommended. The number of treatments recommended will be determined during your consultation. Most clients achieve their desired result in 1 – 3 appointments.


Clients have indicated that while the treatment feels like hot, small needle pokes or the feeling of a getting a tattoo, it is relatively painless. Because it causes vasoconstriction, decreasing the efficacy of the treatment, a topical anesthetic cannot be used.


Post treatment, there may be redness to the area and minor crusting or scabbing may occur. Pigmented lesions may turn grey or darker in appearance. After treatment, we advise to not wear make up, exercise, or do anything that will cause flushing of the skin for the remainder of the day. We recommend washing and moisturizing only while the skin heals. Abrasive washcloths or instruments and irritants, such as glycolic acid or Retin-A should be avoided for 5-7 days. Crusting and scabs should be allowed to slough off naturally (usually within 5-14 days), not rubbed or picked at.


Your skin requires a tailored program of care to optimize its health and appearance. At your consultation, one of our Medical Aesthetics Specialists will gather information from you about your skin concerns, examine your skin and explain what they discover. They will help you prioritize and achieve your best skin by preparing a treatment plan that ensures any skin treatments you choose are provided in a manner that is as effective and as safe as possible. Our Medical Aesthetics Specialists have trained under Double-Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Richard Parfitt. Their extensive knowledge of non-surgical procedures, skin care and skin rejuvenation treatments ensures they are skilled skin-care specialists in your chosen treatment. Consultations can take place at either of our locations in Appleton, WI or Middleton, WI.

If you are a new client of AestheticA Skin Health Center and are interested in a specific treatment, time may be allotted for the consultation and treatment to be completed in one appointment. If you are a previous client of AestheticA, but have not been seen by our clinic within a year, a brief follow-up from your last treatment will be scheduled to discuss your previous treatment, or any new skin concerns in addition to your scheduled treatment.



Skin treatments are more sophisticated than ever. The services we provide at our Middleton (Madison) Wisconsin center are the latest scientifically proven developments offered to enhance your appearance. We provide only those treatments and products that consistently have a reputation for providing safe and effective results. At AestheticA Skin Health Center, Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Richard C. Parfitt, licensed aestheticians, and nurses are committed to serving your unique needs with their considerable knowledge, training and experience. To hear what our clients are saying about their experience at AestheticA Skin Health Center, read their testimonials. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.



Laser Treatments are offered at AestheticA Skin Health Center Middleton. To see if laser treatment is right for you, please call our Middleton office at 608.831.4007 to schedule a consultation.